Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Something that got me thinking

Wonder why?

A picture a day

'why is the question'.
My creative thinking teacher, Mr Ezzam asked us to introduce ourselves, we had to say our name, previous school we studied in and the course we will be majoring in. He carried out the introduction through the class in index order. Introduced myself and when I finished, he asked me “why fine arts?” At that point of time, I panicked and said that I couldn’t see myself do anything else. Honestly, what he said had me thinking, “Why”.

My creative thinking teacher, Mr Ezzam.
Ever since I was 10 years old, I have always admired the paints in the hotel and restaurants. However I don’t want to stop at just admiring them. I want to be able to create a new foam of art I want my art work to be placed on a wall or even better on a wall of a famous gallery. I feel that I was born to create, to do something out of the ordinary. 

There will be times where I will fell hopeless, a point where I will break. But I will not give up.   

Second day of Anxiety

A Good Start

A picture a day

These are my groupmates, Rudy, Deona, Aina and me on the right.

Something about myself, I have social anxiety, and therefore I was proud of myself being able to ‘click well’ with my creative think group, my new friends. I might not show that I am nervous but if you are quiet enough, you can actually hear my voice shaking. If that’s because I am not familiar with you. And I fear that your first impression of me might be different from who I really am. To be honest, I am trying my very best to overcome my fear. Now, I am going to work harder to change that fear in me. I will be different. 

In the student lounge

Notes we took down during creative thinking

Tag with strangers

It's your turn

Deciding who should go first while relaxing in the student lounge

We got our first homework during creative thinking we had to go out in public and play tag/catching with strangers. May I repeat strangers! Well, obviously I was nervous but had a pinch of excitement in me.

Aina playing with a child
 We decided to play the game along Bugis plaza as it would be crowded during the peak hours. Firstly, it was Aina. We wanted to make the game more interesting so we decided to play a round scissors paper and stone; the loser had to be chased. So we tried that version but unfortunately it didn’t go as planned. The girl that Aina played with wasn’t ready to run so we had to end it there. Secondly, it was me. Since the first plan of playing scissors paper and stone didn’t work, we went bank to the original plan of playing tag. Similarly, the result was the same. Ruby wanted to give it a go but when she tried the people that she tagged were not interested.

trying to find the perfect spot to play
Finally, we saw the perfect opportunity. There was a family walking towards us. The children were really fooling around, and we thought it was perfect. So aina went for it. The outcome was great, but I think it was only because we played the game with a child. Honestly, I think the teenagers and adults that we played with were embarrassed to play.  Even though, most of them didn’t play were relieved at least one person play with us.

Aina running after a child

Me trying to play with teenager which
doesn't go too well.
Aina playing scissors, paper & stone to decide who is 'it'.
Ruby attempting to tag someone.
First try on play our version of tag.


The Joy of Creativity, The Happiness of play

Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play

A Picture of my cousin at aged 4  playing with building blocks.
 I think she was trying to create a giraffe.
Tim brown tells us that adults are conservative in thinking creatively as they fear being judged by their peers. On the hand, children are more fearless. People tend to play when they are more familiar with the environment or the people. Hence, “friendship is a shortcut to play.” Therefore, creative firms like google spend time in creating a playful environment for their employees.

Adults gravitate to categorize new things quickly which limits their originality. However, children’s minds spreads out like a universe. This allows them to explore before they jump into conclusion. Hence, they often have more original ideas.

Unlike the adults in my family,
my cousin tried so hard to get her kite
in the sky. when it finally went up her reaction
was priceless. 
Children often learn through ‘construction play’, it is a powerful and effective way to learn. By repetitive building and knocking down a tower of blocks, they learn a lot. This learning by trial and error. Similarly, “thinking with your hands” is carried out by designers, where they create solution with prototypes using simple elements.

Research shows that kids’ behavior suggests that they learn from adults. Therefore, they learn about social interaction at a young age though role-play. Similarly, when adults role-play, it help them to resolve whether it can be used in reality.

In conclusion, the things we learn when we’re children is are proves that we can be both serious and playful, which will helps to be creative.