BBC Documentary -
The Creative Brain How
Insight Works
An insight moment comes when you have a momentary realization
that the assumption you had were false and sudden idea or progress appears.
Being intelligent and being creative are two different things. Intelligence requires
rational thinking whereas creativity requires a rather irrational approach as
it will allow the brain to associate with unrelated ideas. When our creative
process is at its slowest there is when the creativity breakthrough. For
example, when I have a topic to think about it never appears at that second but
maybe a few minutes or hours later all of a sudden there will be a lightbulb.
Research tells us that if we were to break our usual practices or routines we
will have more access to our creativity. By struggling to solve a problem, then
leaving it for a while and then attempting it again can help in finding other
ways to solve it as repetition can trick the brain. Our brain helps us to
adjust our behavior according to the situation, this also called as the
self-monitoring activity. This activity can be a bad thing as well. This is
because as much as it warns us on how we should behavior it does not help us in
creativity, which also prevents us from expressing. For example, in my case, I
don’t do anything that will surprise the people around, I practice it many time
in my head but always don’t share it. I always blamed it on my timing but now I
know what is causing this.
In conclusion, we separate ourselves from creativity as if it is
an activity but we fail to understand that it is part of us. It important to
practice insight thinking as you will never know when you will need it or when
it will appear, its best if you embrace it.