Monday, 28 September 2015

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

Ever since we were young, we are taught to embrace this concept where we can only achieve happiness when we succeed. But Shawn Achor says otherwise. He tells us that everything we succeed or our brain experiences success, we simply change the goal so that we have something else to achieve. For example, if you a good grade, now you yen for a better grade. He believes that if our brain thinks happiness is on the other side of success, we will never get it.

To be honest, I too thought that I will be happy only when I
reach my ambition, but now that I have seen this video by Shawn Achor I realize every time I succeeded I simply moved on to the next goal in my list.

Achor tells us that the brain works in an opposite fashion, something like reverse phycology. The happier you are, the better you can work. The high level of positivity which is caused by our brain will result in a high level of performance. On the other hand, if have a lot of negativity or even if we are neutral, the level of performance will not be as good as when we a positive. This is one of the reasons why school try to make lessons more fun as they want students to have a better attitude in classes.

There are a few ways in which you can improve positivity. Firstly, you can journal at least one new or positive experience you had every day; and try to relive it on the following day. Secondly, you can think positively, which inform your brain to change the behavior. And lastly, you can meditate. Meditation will allow your brain to focus on one thing at a time, which will allow us to avoid negativity.

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